The kitchen cabinets, island and counter top are in. We are so close to the finish line that we can almost taste it. I am loath to name an end date for this whole first floor reno extravaganza as every time that I do, we seem to overshoot it by a country mile. My birthday! Gone. Christmas! Nope. Valentine's day! Unfortunately not. Easter! Close but no cigar. Mothers day! Closer, but still no. Father's day! I doubt it… But enough is enough, so the now realistic, no-holds-barred-must-be-done-or-else-date is August 5Th, when my dear brother and his loved-as much-as-they-are missed little family come to visit us.
They will be our inaugural dinner guests.
For there is one thing that I have learned in this whole process. And that is that all this headache and financial strain is for one purpose and one purpose only: and that is to create the perfect backdrop for our Little Superhero's and The Princess' childhood memories.
So on that upcoming August night, while the grown-up brother and sister gently tease each other with the "remember whens" from their childhood houses . The little cousins will be making memories all their own as they chase each other around the sure to be (well, almost) completed first floor of the Tall House.
C'est très beau Samantha! J'aime les grosses veinures grises dans le marbre, un beau choix. J'ai hâte de voir les photos de la chose terminée. N'oublie pas de mettre un bouquet de tulipes et un gros bol de pommes vertes, j'ai cru comprendre que c'était o-bli-ga-toi-re pour un shooting déco. Même si ce n'est pas la saison des tulipes et que personne dans la famille n'aime les pommes vertes...